Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Few Words On Food Allergies

Let's face it, the word "allergy" is thrown around a lot.  It is used for very real, some deadly, reactions to food.  It is also used by people who don't want to eat certain foods due to adverse reactions, or simple dislike. Sometimes it is easier to say "I am allergic to preservatives", instead of saying "they make my stomach cramp and cause violent vomiting" or say "I am allergic to alcohol" instead of saying "I am an alcoholic and it is none of your business why I am drinking club soda" or even "my son is allergic to gluten" rather than "my son has major mood swings, is hyper, and mean when he has anything with wheat or gluten in it."  Are these actual allergies? Maybe, maybe not, but the word does stop others from asking any other questions, or offering the "offending"  food.

Whether they are actual allergies or just adverse reactions, food allergies are nothing to joke about.   I get incredibly irritated when I here "gluten is not an actual allergy, its just a fad. Eat a loaf of bread already". Tell that to the my friend who was diagnosed with Celiacs. Even a spoon that had a speck of flour on it will send her into gastrointestinal fits.  Or try telling my sister "an onion is an onion" when anything other then red onions will give her the same reaction as my celiac freind.  My point is, when someone says they are allergic reaction to something (whether they have an allergy or not) there is reason behind it and their wishes should be respected.  You may not know or understand why they won't eat this or that but it isn't anyones business besides theirs and ignorant comments like those are not appreciated.

Okay, I am off my soapbox now.

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